- Compact Equipment Magazine
- Ditch Witch
Ditch Witch
The Inventor of the Walk-Behind Trencher Makes Lots of Mini Skid Steers Today
Ditch Witch invented the underground utility construction industry, and today it designs, manufactures and markets the most complete line of directional drills, drill pipe, HDD tooling, vacuum excavators, trenchers, chain, teeth and sprockets, stand-on steers and vibratory plows. Handcrafted in the USA, its products are supported by the Ditch Witch dealer network with over 175 locations worldwide. Some good examples of Ditch Witch compact equipment include:
Ditch Witch Stand-On Skid Steers | Pedestrian Trenchers | Attachments
Compact Tool Carriers
Strategic Partnership Brings Fiber Optic to Rural America as Need for Access to Reliable Internet Increases
December 13, 2022