The Next Evolution in Innovation

When the ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes discovered the principles of density and buoyancy (known today as the Archimedes’ Principle), he leaped from his bath to the streets crying “Eureka!” (“I’ve found it!”). The only problem was he was completely naked (or so the story goes).

Our staff has had similar reactions to discovering quality compact equipment. We spend our days, nights and bathroom time searching for the next generation of compact machines for our readership. For four years we’ve been tracking the evolution of the equipment industry towards smaller machines, charting the most innovative compact creatures to surface to the top of the construction, landscape and rental markets. Avant-garde tool carriers, cutting-edge compact utility loaders, experimental UTVs, pioneering skid steer loaders — our staff has detailed them all in the pages of this publication.

Of course the basic principle of evolution is natural selection (we do like science and math metaphors here), and what truly makes great equipment are the customers and contractors who actually decide to go out and purchase these amazing machines. In the banner year of 2006, the pros have had much to choose from. The equipment industry released whole new breeds of compact machinery and we were there to track’em, tag’em and bring’em to our readers.

On the next seven pages, Compact Equipment has gathered the nine most innovative machines released in 2006 and the six most interesting attachments. These are unique beasts of burden that will haul, dig, lift, trench, auger, grab and transport materials and spoils with ease, precision and power. We suggest you pick one of these progressive pieces of
equipment to add to your holiday shopping spree. Enlist the help of one of these machines and start off 2007 ahead of the competition. Just remember to return to Compact Equipment, so you can continue to discover the next genesis of machine and man.

Keith Gribbins is managing editor of Compact Equipment.

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