Friday Fun: Awesome infographic on Tier 4 Final engine regulations
CK Power is a complete source for engine and generator power, headquartered in St. Louis on a seven-acre campus that houses everything from corporate offices to a 105,000-sq ft production facility, another 35,000-sq ft warehouse, engineering facility and a two-acre parking lot for a fleet of mobile rental units. Recently, CK Power sent us the infographic below, focused on Tier 4 Final engine regs. It’s crunch time for the implementation of Tier 4 Final engine emissions standards. Over time, understanding both what these standards are trying to achieve and whether or not they apply to a particular application has become complex. In the interests of making them a little easier to digest, CK Power has designed a visual guide to some of the most important aspects of the new EPA standards.
Original tier 4 engine infographic from CK Power