Wowsers: Kaeser Compressors Marks a Full Year of Operations Using Only Green Energy
In an ongoing commitment to minimize environmental impacts, Kaeser is manufacturing with 100 percent green energy and matching its consumption with renewable energy resources. Both Kaeser Compressors Inc. in the United States and Germany’s Kaeser Kompressoren SE are marking a full year of operations using only green energy.
This milestone has been achieved with three key programs. First, over a year ago Kaeser Kompressoren SE installed a photovoltaic system which generates approximately 650 MWh for its main manufacturing plant in Coburg, Germany. Second, Kaeser purchases renewable energy credits for its remaining manufacturing facilities. And third, in the US, Kaeser Compressors is part of Dominion Energy’s Green Power Program and pays a premium per kWh for the U.S. headquarters in Fredericksburg, Va., to match energy consumption with renewable resources.
For its 20+ branch locations across the country as well as our teleworkers, Kaeser purchase RECs (Renewable Energy Certificates) from Dominion Energy exceeding the amount of power consumed. Energy for the RECs is purchased from a broad range of renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, hydropower, wave/tidal power, and landfill gas recovery.
These initiatives align with Kaeser’s ongoing commitment to reducing, and where possible, eliminating impact on our shared environment.
“Not only are our products and systems designed for exceptional energy efficiency and maximum environmental compatibility, but Kaeser also incorporates environmentally responsible practices in our everyday operations and in the design and selection of our facilities,” said Frank Mueller, president of Kaeser Compressors, Inc. “We are committed to lowering our carbon footprint by manufacturing with green energy, to support renewable energy through Dominion Energy’s Green Power Program, and to demonstrate community leadership in this immediate and sustainable way.”
For more information on the company’s commitment to the environment, visit