Innovative Iron Awards 2020: Sullair’s Mid-Range Series Compressors

We Honor the Top Equipment of 2020

Innovative Iron Awards 2020
Even when the world shut down this year, construction equipment continued to roll. Since the beginning of the pandemic, crews and projects have been considered essential. Key machinery markets like housing are actually bucking the trend and growing in our new Covid economy. Somehow, I was able to attend two important machine tradeshows in February and March (The Rental Show and CONEXPO-CON/AGG) before all the chaos, and equipment manufacturers continued to release awesome, industry-changing products throughout 2020 despite the incredible challenges. The persistence, dedication and innovation of both equipment makers and the equipment trades (construction, rental, ag, landscape and beyond) blew me away this year. They helped build a clearer path in our radically changed world, and I’d like to honor all of them by highlighting what I consider the best compact, off-highway machines, technologies and OEM systems released for sale or concept in 2020. Congrats to all the companies included, and thanks to all the men and women behind these brands. They are essential in today’s rapidly changing world.

Accuracy in Air

The compressor experts at Sullair are providing operations with almost infinite precision. Its new Mid-Range Series is the first to incorporate Electronic Spiral Valve technology (the 800HH/900H model delivering 800 to 900 cfm at 150 to 200 psi and the 920H/1100 model delivering 920 to 1,100 cfm at 100 to 150 psi). Spiral Valve Tech helps maximize fuel efficiency and extend runtimes by precisely matching air supply to demand. Operators can quickly input the exact pressure they want, anywhere between 100 or 200 psi, and the machine calibrates to give the maximum flow at that pressure. Offering both high- and low-pressure offerings and nearly infinite combos means this one compressor covers the job of nine. For more info, visit