Check Out Torwel’s Line of Heavy-Duty Commercial Municipal Sand and Salt Spreaders
Designed for use with heavy-duty trucks, the Torwel line of V box municipal spreaders are built to master snow and ice in quick and efficient operation. Available in 6.0 to 22.0 yard capacities, units are ideal for municipalities/public works and their demanding stringent budgets. Designed mounting options for dump bodies, roll offs, and chassis. Standard options include: truck hydraulic drive control, heavy duty woven top grate screens, 12 gal. stainless steel, single sides and ends, and precision single spinner assembly adjustable from 18 to 30 ft.
Torwel’s commercial / municipal spreaders deliver constant spread patterns and efficient material delivery. This is due to our precision spinner assembly system, 18- to 24-in. conveyor width, 667X pintle chain, you’ll cover more ground and ensure material is dropped exactly where you need it. Our unique chute delivery is sloped and allows the chute to be inside the top edge of the sander body to protect it from accidental backing into obstacles, please check out the videos on to see how valuable this innovation is to end users.
Torwel hydraulic commercial options include; 18-hp Honda engine, 18- or 20-in. poly spreader disc, in-cab or rear hydraulic controls, catwalks in stainless steel or steel, inverted V (conveyor bridge), service ladder, cab shield, belt over chain conveyor, remote mounted grease banks, hydraulic quick disconnects and precision twin spinner assembly, and pre-wetting systems.
For more info on Torwel, plow through this link.