Takeuchi-US Hosts Tour Stop for AEM Manufacturing Express
Takeuchi-US hosted the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) Manufacturing Express national tour at its compact track loader production facility in Moore, South Carolina on Tuesday, August 27, 2024.
AEM recognized Takeuchi-US and its employees as industry leaders for their contributions to the local community and manufacturing industry. At the event, Takeuchi-US also celebrated the production of its 10,000th compact track loader, a TL12 model, at the Moore facility, which opened in September 2022. Takeuchi’s employees signed the interior of the TL12’s rear cover, and soon, this unique, one-of-a-kind 10,000th machine will be delivered to a Takeuchi customer.
Congressman William Timmons, 4th District, South Carolina spoke at the event, noting the importance of manufacturing in Spartanburg County and thanking Takeuchi-US for putting its faith in the Moore community by locating its compact track loader production facility there two years ago. Several other dignitaries were also on hand for the festivities, including:
- David Britt, Spartanburg (SC) County Council Vice-Chairman
- Allen Smith, President & CEO, OneSpartanburg Inc.
- Kyle Sox, VP of Industrial Development, OneSpartanburg Inc.
- Katherine O’Neill, Chief Economic Development Officer, OneSpartanburg Inc.
- Dwayne Hatchett, Director of Existing Industries, OneSpartanburg Inc.
- Cole Alverson, Administrator, Spartanburg County
- Carter Smith, Advisor, OneSpartanburg Inc.
“As proud AEM members, we believe in the importance of American manufacturing, and we were pleased to host the AEM Manufacturing Express tour,” said Jeff Stewart, president of Takeuchi-US. “We enjoyed celebrating our employees and the Moore community while highlighting our contributions to the local, regional and national economies. We’ve only been open for business in Moore for two years, but we’ve already manufactured 10,000 machines and now employ more than 150 people here. We thank our local policymakers for joining us at this celebration and learning more about how we’re helping drive innovation and economic growth in this region.”
Takeuchi-US was the 43rd stop on the AEM Manufacturing Express tour, which will visit 80 manufacturers across 20 states. The tour showcases the cutting-edge technology and innovations that power modern equipment, as well as the innovative technologies, processes, people and products revolutionizing this industry across America.
“We were thrilled to join so many community leaders and supporters of Takeuchi-US at this amazing opportunity to highlight the importance of American off-highway equipment manufacturing in Moore, South Carolina,” said AEM President Megan Tanel. “The AEM Manufacturing Express is more than just a bus tour; it is an opportunity to tell the stories of the men and women of our industry in the Greenville area and highlight how their grit, determination and can-do spirit has contributed to the American way of life.”