FleetWatcher Bolsters Safety in Work Zones
FleetWatcher recently announced its participation in the Work Zone Data eXchange – a partnership with I-Cone that offers a breakthrough in work zone safety for the paving industry. This unique, nationwide initiative brings together technology partners, state, local, and federal transportation agencies, and all consumer vehicle navigation systems (Waze, Google Maps, Apple Maps, Trimble, and others) to raise awareness of work zones and the reduced speed limits through them. The program is designed to improve work zone safety and limit injuries and fatalities by alerting drivers to the presence of work zones so that they can slow down appropriately. This is a free service to FleetWatcher users, they merely opt-in to enable the sharing of their data.
“Tragically, work zone deaths occur far too often, but this initiative can help save lives,” said FleetWatcher President Larry Baker. “Alerting drivers to the presence of work zones and the reduced speed limits within them will help to keep paving crews safe. We’re excited to be a part of this life saving program.”
How it Works
FleetWatcher location data on pavers, shuttle buggies and mills is updated at frequent
intervals on all major smartphone navigation apps and some in-car navigation systems. The system sends lat/long location data and location accuracy information to these systems for pavers that are actively running. The navigation apps will use that information to identify work zones and display those zones with the adjusted construction zone speed limit. This system will apply to all active roadway jobs including city, state, county, and federal interstates. The Work Zone Data eXchange is expected to have an immediate impact by increasing safety within the work zones and saving lives.
Several state DOTs are mandating the technology, and some are helping to subsidize the cost of the technology that enables it. For additional information visit https://www.fleetwatcher.com/work-zone-safety.