AEM Recognizes Member Companies for Milestone Membership

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) recognized 17 companies at their annual conference Nov. 10, for achieving membership milestones. These organizations have shown their dedication to the off-road equipment industry through their longtime membership and participation in AEM.

“AEM could not achieve success without the continued active involvement from our member companies,” said Paul Flemming, AEM vice president of membership & sales. “Their support and participation have been critical to the growth and progress at AEM. We are proud to recognize the unending dedication and commitment of these members to AEM and the industry at large.”

AEM is honored to have three 75-year members celebrating their membership milestones this year. These companies have shown an outstanding commitment to the industry and to AEM through their longtime membership and participation in the industry.

AEM 75-year members for 2021

Alamo Group

ESCO Group

Oshkosh Corporation

AEM is fortunate to have the following companies as 50- and 25-year members and looks forward to their continued partnership and success in the industry at large.

AEM 50-year members for 2021



Sioux Corporation

AEM 25-year members for 2021

BLS Enterprises


International Construction Equipment

Machinery Trader/

ODISA Concrete Equipment

Premier Manufacturing

Sullivan-Palatek Compressors

TransTech Systems

Triple Crown Products

Tsurumi (America)

Vince Hagan Company (The)

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