Watch Machine Heads: Innovative Iron Awards for Snorkel’s SR5719E Tele, Toro’s e-Dingo 500 and Cat’s 420 XE Backhoe

Fellow Machine Heads, welcome back to the fifth episode of our new video series. Keith Gribbins, publisher and resident guinea pig at Compact Equipment, hosts this new video series curiously called Machine Heads.

What’s in store today? Holiday special? Oh boy. In this episode, we’ll celebrate new products and Innovative Iron Award winners from Snorkel, Toro and Caterpillar. Here’s a quick summary…

High Reach, Zero Emission

Snorkel SR5719e

The Snorkel SR5719E is the world’s first and only electric compact telehandler. Powered by 80V 300Ah lithium-ion batteries, the SR5719E can perform continuously between charges for up to six hours. The SR5719E delivers a maximum lifting capacity of 5,732 lbs and a maximum lift height of up to 19 ft, maneuvering with four-wheel steer and three steering modes (front, crab and coordinated). Built compact at just 6 ft, 2 in. wide, the SR5719E offers low noise and zero emissions, suitable for indoor use or for using outdoors in low emission zones such as city centers. The on-board single-phase charger provides a full charge overnight, while off-board charger options are available for fast-charging capabilities, up to 2.5 hours for a complete charge. The SR5719E delivers a reduction of up to 60 percent in operating costs over the diesel equivalent. Bonus: A universal skid steer attachment plate is available. For more info, visit

Zero Emissions, Zero Fuel Costs

Toro’s e-Dingo 500 Compact Utility Loader

Battery-powered propulsion is thankfully becoming an important option for compact earthmoving equipment and tool carriers. While electric mini loaders have been the bread and butter of brands like Sherpa, Toro made a major step into the electric-powered equipment marketplace with the introduction of the new Toro e-Dingo 500 compact utility loader. The e-Dingo allows end-users to realize all the benefits and power of a small, standard compact utility loader with no fuel costs and zero exhaust emissions. It’s ideal for indoor construction — especially with those white, non-marking tires. It’s powered by lithium-ion battery technology, boasts both an Auto Idle feature and max operating capacity of 515 lbs and utilizes Toro’s 4-Paw independent four-wheel drive system. Plus, it’s compatible with 10 Dingo attachments from buckets to breakers to blades. For more info, visit

Complete Control

Cat’s 420 XE Backhoe Loader

Caterpillar announced five new backhoe loader models operating in the 14- and 15-ft size classes in 2020. These units offer updated operator stations, new C3.6 Tier 4 Final engines, selectable power management modes, VisionLink and beyond. The 420 XE model specifically combines a unique range of integrated hydraulic tech. Seat-mounted controls stay with the operator as they spin from loader to backhoe. Operator control modes allow the unit to be tuned to skill set or preference. Adjustable joystick response and hydraulic modulation is available through the all new LCD touchscreen display. Electronic loader controls allow true parallel lift and programmable kickouts, and return-to-dig automates operations. This unit has it all. For more info, visit

Keith Gribbins is publisher of Compact Equipment.

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